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Nutrition For Life - Online Workshop

A Virtual Workshop To Learn How To Use Food As Medicine

There is a belief that if you eat a certain diet do yoga, meditate, take supplements ,do breathing exercises etc. you will be healthy and enlightened. However there is no one way to heal. Healing begins when you learn to cultivate a relationship with your Body Within.

Most of us get through our days with ever thinking how we got through and why it turned out the way it did. We are on auto pilot.

To live a balanced life I find that proper nutrition is the key to success.

Connection daily to your Body Within helps you break the cycle and learn about you and new ways to address the weakness in your life that are not serving you. That way you can be more discerning to what foods fuel you and what foods deplete you.

Learn the daily practices you need to live the most balanced life you can:

  • Start using food as medicine and healing

  • Learn how and why food can effect your day and mood

  • Get a breakdown of my Nutrition For Life program and Food Checklist Guide

  • Understand the role of supplements vs. food

  • Breaks down a protein carb balance and the right food choices for you

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During my workshops, you’ll find wisdom that the everyday person can apply to their life. You’ll start to understand the different things that inhibit us from healing - stress, etc. and develop the life skills that you need to keep you whole and in balance so you can become your own healer.

Workshop Details:

  • Date: May 28th

  • Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm EST

  • Location: Online Workshop

  • Cost $69.00

** Early Bird pricing available until May 22nd!

About Your Body Within

Your body knows everything but that doesn’t mean you know how to listen to it. My work is driven by helping individuals create healing for themselves. To help you get started on your healing journey I’ve created a tools and resources to help you connect to your Body Within.

How the Body Heals In My Eyes

Every time you sustain an injury to your body, the body immediately puts up a wall of protection to protect the part of the body that has been injured to prevent further injury.  Not only does this shut down body movement in the area of the injury, but it also limits movement in other areas of the body that affect the injury that you may not even realize.

When you can energetically release these restrictions and regain mobility back in your body, you can progress toward creating balance in your life and start the process of self-healing.  This is what I call The Body Within - it is the true essence of who you are. 

The Body Within Is Your Inner Voice That Has All The Answers

As I work with clients to connect with The Body Within, I help them connect deeper within themselves. The benefits of this established connection are limitless. Learning how to heal by remaining connected to yourself and constantly looking inward not only serves you now, but also as you age.

My hope is that by sharing this knowledge, you are able to facilitate your own healing - not only if you are struggling with chronic pain but so anyone who wants to stay healthy and strong can live a full life and age gracefully.

May 21

Intro To Your Body Within - Online Workshop

June 4

Exercise & Sleep - Online Workshop